After a very long break from cat shows and traveling in general, we definitely took great satisfaction in starting showing again in the last couple of months. Last but for sure not least we went to Uitgeest, Netherlands, where the North Sea Winner Show 2021 took place. FIFé Winner Shows are special cat show, different from the normal ones we are used to, with a way bigger attendance, that do not just grant the best cat the title of Best in Show, the winners get a brand new title added to their name that they will keep forever. In a Winner Show the competition is really tough and I must admit that my anxiety was skyrocketing since we decided to join the North Sea Winner Show with our kitten Rehvenge YesWeCat.
The weekend has been exhausting, traveling with a cat is never easy and we were packed more than for a two weeks camping trip. The dutch goverment also added a special lockdown in their country so we were stuck inside a hotel room from 5pm to 5am everyday which for sure didn’t help us, thank god we were among really good friends and in the end this journey made it possible for us to crown our Rehvenge YesWeCat as the new North Sea Winner 2021.
I can’t really explain what it feels like to win and receive just another sign of recognition for our work with this breed. We are so happy it’s hard to find the proper words to express what we have been felling in the last few days. But we want to thank all of those who always supported us and believed in us. We need to thank all our friends who where there with us or on the phone all the weekend for their help and unbelievable trust. We want to thank our extended adoptive catfamily that was cheering for us from home. We also want to thanks all the haters who keeps talking sh*t about us, thanks for all the laugh we have listening to the lies you invent about us and our cats, you surely help us clean the pet requests since no one with a brain would ever believe you and we don’t entrust our babies to idiots. He is still completely unaware of the HUGE result he achieved but we are very very proud to introduce you to: